Kent Farmers Market Popup: Let’s Build This!

We are so grateful that my mom was able to join me at our Play & Craft booth this day because she had an emergency last time. She missed out on being part of all the fun and has been looking forward to experience being a market member. As soon as we finished setting everything up with still half an hour left, she already found her way to other booths shopping for bags, snacks, and Filipino vegetables. This was a bag of gold for this hardworking lady!

The rest of my family showed up to bring some extra things for the booth and to also help test-drive the setup before families arrive. I’m so lucky that my kids have been really helpful in making the crafts I have in mind and playing with toys I want to try using for the market. I guess they’re our quality control but thankfully today’s setup didn’t have much of a hiccup. We were also placed under the shade of trees this time and the wind helped cool us off in the heat.

Our setup was a little more inviting this time with the addition of portable bench so parents can hang out while their kids either craft or play next to them. We had a small playmat filled with play cardboard bricks for kids to stack, topple, and sometimes kick around. We also had a craft table for kids to build their ideas with craft noodles made with non-toxic and biodegradable products. These magic craft noodles were new to a lot of the families that even grownups were willing to try create something with them too!

We switched out the raffle game to a spinning wheel and it truly is like a magnet to everyone because sometimes even without saying a word, they walk up to our booth just to take a spin. They get to pick a treat and then see the sample creations from our craft tables which introduces them to new crafting tools they can use.

I may need some chalk handwriting class for next time but we did get some families stop by to take picture of the sign so they can share it with their family and friends! We are also having a Portrait Session Giveaway until our last market day and so it’s not too late to enter by subscribing to our newsletters and filling out the online survey form. We’ll try to announce the winner live on our Instagram page but we’ll see if technology is in our favor that day.

The market didn’t feel as busy as the first time we were there but still connected with over 30 families that are all looking forward to a space like this in our community! We’re still getting positive feedback from everyone that stops by and honored to have repeat families come back from the first day we had our popup because they remembered we’d be there. We are so grateful to have friends come visit our booth to bring in their kids too. There were some kids who didn’t want to leave which was bittersweet but hopefully they’ll see us again next month with new crafts and new toys to play with.

Joysha Fajardo

Photographer during the day, cook and crafter at night, and a foodie for life!

Kent Farmers Market Popup: Design and Dig!


Kent Farmers Market Popup: Farm to Table